Roberts Jones Law
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When to Hire a personal injury lawyer
Recovering from a personal injury accident? Was the accident the result of someone else’s negligence or fault? Get in touch with the trained professionals at Roberts Jones Law and we can get your personal injury case started!
When to file a homeowner's insurance claim
A homeowner’s insurance claim specifies a covered loss that happens unexpectedly in your home. The claim lets your insurance company know what was damaged and how much money is needed to cover those losses. Give us a call and start your homeowner’s insurance claim today!
How long do I have to file a personal injury claim?
In the state of Washington, if you can prove within three years that your accident was the result of someone else’s negligence, you may be entitled to financial compensation! Give Roberts Jones Law a call with any and all questions!
Is A Witness Important To A Auto Accident Case?
Witnesses are very important for car case accidents. A lot of times the only two drivers involved in an auto accident. Having an independent witness who give a statement is crucial in determining liability.
What Damages Can I Seek?
The kind of damages you can seek in a personal injury suit also known as economic damages – Medical Bills, Rehabilitation costs, out of pocket expenses and lost wages. These are all monetary things you can quantify.
What's the difference between you and other attorneys?
The difference between our firm and other attorneys is that we have a hands on approach to every one of our cases. Personal Injury means exactly that, we have a personal relationship with our clients and we want to do what’s best for them!
What's Your Insurance Coverage?
Full coverage is more than just liability. There’s PIP – personal injury protection in Washington State. Which a lot of people are not aware of, but you have to specifically sign a waiver to not have the coverage. It’s an extension of your automotive policy that covers lost wages and medical bills regardless if you are the at fault party or not.
In addition to PIP, there is UIM – under-insured motorist coverage and UM – uninsured motorist coverage. UIM is in the event that a under-insured motorist coverage or Hit and Run driver strikes you and you are injured. Those medical bills that pertain to the injury you suffer in the accident would be covered in your UIM policy. In the event that the 3rd policy limits are hit and your own auto owners policy would coverage any extras not covered by their policy.
What Kind of Cases Do You Handle?
We handle primary personal injury cases, but we also do home owner insurance claims and various contract disputes – but most of the time it’s revolving around injuries. Here at RobertsJones Law we have the expertise to get you back to where you were before the accident!